The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (2024)

Last updated on Jun 16, 2021 at 04:04by Abide1 comment

The recommended level range to run this dungeon on Normal is 60-64. Heroicmode will require Level 70 and the The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (1) Flamewrought Key to enter.

This dungeon will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete with anaverage group. The Blood Furnace is commonly abbreviated as "BF".

In this guide, we will cover dungeon quests, the layout of the dungeon, anoverview of trash mobs, tactics for each boss, loot that can be obtained,and ideal group compositions.


The Blood Furnace Quests

Before heading into The Blood Furnace, we advise you to get all the dungeonquests related to it. To make this process easier, we have written a separateguide for the quests and their chains.

The Blood Furnace Quests


The Blood Furnace Entrance Location

The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (2)

Conveniently, all dungeons in Hellfire Peninsula are located inone centralized location: Hellfire Citadel. This structure can be easilyfound in the very center of the map and can be reached by using one of the twoconnecting bridges on either the North or South side.

Unlike the other two dungeons in this area, The Blood Furnace can only be reachedby a side passage on the Southern side of the Citadel. The path to BloodFurnace starts with a ramp that can be found at coordinates (45,61).

The dungeon portal for The Blood Furnace is located at coordinates(46,51). The summoning stone is located directly next to the Rampartsdungeon portal.


Layout of The Blood Furnace

The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (3)

The layout of The Blood Furnace is completely linear, following a one-waypath for the entire dungeon. After defeating the last boss, a tunnel will unlockthat allows you to return to the entrance of the dungeon very quickly.


Reputation From The Blood Furnace

Killing mobs in this instance grants either Thrallmar orHonor Hold reputation.


Normal Difficulty

  • Orcs grant 5 reputation each.
  • Most demons will grant 5 reputation each.
  • Each boss grants 50 reputation.
  • A Normal run of The Blood Furnace will give around 750 reputation.
  • Reputation gains in Normal stop at (5999/6000) Friendly,including bosses.


Heroic Difficulty

  • Orcs grant 15 reputation each.
  • Most demons will grant 15 reputation each.
  • Each boss grants 250 reputation.
  • A Heroic run of The Blood Furnace will give around 2,500 reputation.


Notable Trash in The Blood Furnace

In this section, we will briefly go over each of the trash mobs that may pose athreat to you in this dungeon.


Shadowmoon Adept

The The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (7)Thrash can lead to some very spiky tank damage,so it is recommended to CC one of these and make sure to debuff or stun wheneverpossible. Try to avoid tanking these near your casters to prevent theirThe Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (8)Kick from interrupting your allies.


Laughing Skull Rogue

These will be hidden throughout the entire dungeon. Avoid running ahead ofthe tanks or these might kill you before the tank can react and pick them up.Remove their poison if possible and try to use any stealth detection such asThe Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (12)Flare to bring them out of stealth. Overall you will fight aroundsix or seven of these in total.


Laughing Skull Legionnaire

These deal very high damage and splash that damage to other nearby players.Try to crowd control these if possible and use any stuns when fighting them toprevent their high damage. Melee DPS need to be aware of their health whenfacing these, as the cleave damage they deal can easily kill any nearbynon-tanks.


Shadowmoon Summoner

All abilities can be interrupted. At the very least you should try tointerrupt both The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (20)Summon Felhound Manastalker andThe Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (21)Summon Seductress as the extra adds summoned by thesecasts can cause chaos and disrupt your healer.


Shadowmoon Technician

These are one of the most deadly trash mobs in the entire dungeon. TheirThe Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (26)Silence and the constant, high AoE damage these deal can quickly leadto deaths if they are mishandled. Make sure to spread out for theThe Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (27)Throw Dynamite and keep moving to see where they place theBombs from The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (28)Throw Proximity Bomb.


Nascent Fel Orc

These can be quite painful to deal with, especially on Heroic. When facingmore than one of these at a time, it is possible for your tank to be stunnedvery often. In addition to that, The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (32)Stomp can be veryannoying with its knockback. The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (33)Stomp also deals somewhathigh damage, so melee players need to be aware of their health as a healer caneasily fall behind on these packs with the tank being stunned constantly.


Felguard Annihilator

These constantly drop threat and start attacking different targets. This willtypically be associated with a The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (38)Charge on the newtarget. On Heroic difficulty, aim to crowd control these with The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (39)Fear,The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (40)Banish or any form of stun you have as they deal very highdamage to non-tanks.


Shadowmoon Channeler

A group of 5 Channelers are linked with the boss; when the last one ofthem dies Keli'dan the Breaker will engage your party. Utilize line ofsight, interrupts, stuns, and CC as much as possible to avoid taking as manyThe Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (44)Shadow Bolts as possible. The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (45)Mark of Shadow makes you takesignificantly higher Shadow damage, so try to avoid as many of the casts aspossible. If you have someone who can remove magical debuffs, have themprioritize dispelling this debuff as soon as possible.


Overview of Bosses in The Blood Furnace

Here we will give you a full rundown of what you can expect from each of thebosses found here on both Normal and Heroic difficulties as well as the itemsthey drop.


The Maker

This is a fairly easy boss. It can be rather annoying at times with theknockback and some bad mind control targets. Ranged players should spread outand stand at max range away from the boss in case the tank is targeted byThe Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (49)Domination. Try to use some form of crowd control on mindcontrolled players and, if it is on the tank, try to kite the boss until the tankis free.


Loot from Normal

ItemRequired LevelItem TypeSlot
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (50) Pendant of Battle-Lust61AccessoryNeck
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (51) Ironblade Gauntlets61PlateHands
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (52) Girdle of the Gale Storm61MailWaist
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (53) Diamond-Core Sledgemace61One-Handed MaceMain-Hand
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (54) Libram of Saints Departed61LibramRelic


Loot from Heroic

ItemRequired LevelItem TypeSlot
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (55) Mage-Collar of the Firestorm70ClothHead
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (56) Embroidered Cape of Mysteries70CloakBack
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (57) Moon-Touched Bands70LeatherWrist
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (58) Bloodlord Legplates70ClothFeet
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (59) Blood Knight Defender70PlateLegs
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (60) Libram of Avengement70LibramRelic
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (61) Beaming Fire OpalBoPGemMisc
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (62) Fluorescent TanzaniteBoPGemMisc
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (63) Jagged ChrysopraseBoPGemMisc



Before engaging the boss, you will first need to pull the lever in the middleof the room. This will trigger combat and you will need to fight four waves ofFel Orc Neophyte and Nascent Fel Orc. Shortly after defeating thefourth wave, the boss will come out and enter combat. Be mindful of yourhealer's Mana as these four packs can deal a lot of damage. If needed, keep oneorc alive on the last wave and crowd control it while your healer regeneratesMana.

Make sure to face Broggok away from the group and avoid being infront of the boss to not take any damage from the The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (68)Slime Spray. Thetank should be frequently moving him to prevent the melee taking anydamage from The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (69)Poison Cloud.

The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (70)Poison Bolt can be a lot of pressure for healers to keep upwith, especially if there are limited means of removing poison debuffsavailable in the party. A Shaman placing The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (71)Poison Cleansing Totemtrivializes this mechanic.


Loot from Normal

ItemRequired LevelItem TypeSlot
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (72) Arcing Bracers61ClothWrist
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (73) Bloody Surgeon's Mitts61ClothHands
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (74) Kilt of the Night Strider61LeatherLegs
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (75) Auslese's Light Channeler61AccessoryTrinket
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (76) Legion Blunderbuss61GunRanged Weapon


Loot from Heroic

ItemRequired LevelItem TypeSlot
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (77) Virtue Bearer's Vambraces70PlateWrist
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (78) Moonchild Leggings70LeatherLegs
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (79) Embroidered Spellpyre Boots70ClothFeet
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (80) Signet of Repose70AccessoryFinger
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (81) Firebrand Battleaxe70One-Handed AxeWeapon
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (82) Beaming Fire OpalBoPGemMisc
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (83) Fluorescent TanzaniteBoPGemMisc
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (84) Jagged ChrysopraseBoPGemMisc


Keli'dan the Breaker

If you have no way of removing The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (91)Mark of Shadowapplied by the five previous Shadowmoon Channeler, this fight will bevery hard for the healer to keep up. Ranged players should stay at max rangeto avoid The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (92)Shadow Bolt Volley if possible.

When he casts The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (93)Burning Nova and goes invulnerable, all melee players— and anyone that got pulled in on Heroic difficulty — need to besure to run away from the boss as soon as possible to avoid theThe Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (94)Fire Nova that follows the ability up.


Loot from Normal

ItemRequired LevelItem TypeSlot
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (95) Mantle of the Dusk-Dweller61LeatherShoulder
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (96) Vest of Vengeance61LeatherChest
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (97) Raiments of Divine Authority61ClothChest
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (98) Mindfire Waistband61ClothWaist
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (99) Warsong Howling Axe61Two-Handed AxeWeapon


Loot from Heroic

ItemRequired LevelItem TypeSlot
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (100) Ruby Helm of the Just70PlateHelm
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (101) Soldier's Dog Tags70AccessoryNeck
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (102) Talisman of the Breaker70AccessoryNeck
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (103) Mantle of Shadowy Embrace70LeatherShoulder
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (104) Wastewalker Tunic70LeatherChest
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (105) Robe of Effervescent Light70ClothChest
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (106) Emerald Eye Bracer70MailWrist
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (107) World's End Bracers70MailWrist
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (108) Doomplate Gauntlets70PlateHands
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (109) Leggings of the Unrepentant70LeatherLegs
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (110) Bloodsworn Warboots70PlateFeet
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (111) Eaglecrest Warboots70PlateFeet
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (112) Wave-Crest Striders70MailFeet
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (113) Icon of Unyielding Courage70AccessoryTrinket
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (114) The Willbreaker70One-Handed SwordMain-Hand
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (115) Adamantine Repeater70CrossbowRanged Weapon
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (116) Beaming Fire OpalBoPGemMisc
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (117) Fluorescent TanzaniteBoPGemMisc
The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (118) Jagged ChrysopraseBoPGemMisc


Recommended Group Composition for The Blood Furnace

While not required, having one form of crowd control will make things gosmoother. Shadowmoon Technician are the ideal target of any availableCC to help sustain healer Mana and prevent large amounts of party-wide damage.This is especially important when doing Heroic in lower gear. AWarlock is a great addition to any Blood Furnace group, especiallyon Heroic difficulty, as they have a multitude of utility spells at theirdisposal such as The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (119)Banish, The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (120)Fear and evenThe Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (121)Curse of Tongues.

The pulls in The Blood Furnace are generally small, so no significant amount ofAoE is needed. It is recommended to have at least one form of reliableinterrupt as there are casters in almost every pack. Shadowmoon Summonerin particular is a great target to keep interrupted as much as possible.



  • 16 Jun. 2021: Added images of enemies.
  • 26 May 2021: Guide added.

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The Blood Furnace Dungeon Guide (2024)


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